The Rat in the Hat, by Dr Shteuss
The sun shone too bright
it was too hot to play
so we sat in our house
on that hot humid day
I sat there with Jojo
and Roni and his toy flute
and I said , how i wish
we had something else cute
It’s too hot to go out
too humid to walk
so we sat in the house
and made small talk
so all we could do was to sit!
and we did not like it one little bit
And then Mummy said
lets go for a walk
we can visit the pet shop
and hear the birds talk
so we put Roni in his buggy
and walked up the street
we knew it was worth
putting up with the heat
And so when we arrived
we saw pets galore
fishies and birds
and hamsters and more
and so we asked Jojo
which one would you like?
and he thought for a moment
and said “A choc ice!”
“No, no” I explained
were not buying those today
we’re here for a pet
that will be here to stay
So I showed him the hamsters
born just 3 weeks ago
and he chose two brothers
still tiny, room to grow
we took them home in their cage
and watched them settle in
but what should we call them?
and will they fit in?
Then Daddy held them
and said “How do you do”?
I think we should call them
Thing One and Thing Two
“Good plan” said I, we shall name them that
“Does this not remind you of the Cat in the Hat?”
And so we set up their home
with a roll from the loo
and we put in some bedding
for Thing One and Thing Two
and Jojo and Roni
were screeching at the fun
as they sat there watching Thing Two and Thing One
And then we skyped Savta
Who said “What did you do”
Should we tell her, d’you think
of Thing One and Thing Two?
And so Jojo told her
what went on that day
and he said how he loved
seeing his new hamsters play
4 Replies to “The Rat in the Hat, by Dr Shteuss”
And Thing One and Thing Two
Go round on the wheel
And provide ‘hamster power’
To cook your next meal.
Loved it. Just did a manly lol on the thameslink between boringwood and millhillbroadsway. Got funny look from cute girl opposite who’s clearly sexting her bf.
Loved the poem… lucky boys to have their own Dr Shteuss : )