If she really wants to know what to tell her kids….

If she really wants to know what to tell her kids….

…I’ll tell her.

I recently hear a Radio 4 broadcast featuring 2 women living through the current war. One living in a kibbutz near the Gaza border. One in Gaza. Both are mothers with small children. The interviewers did, what they honestly thought was their best, to present a balanced view. The Israeli woman sounded emotionally stable, erudite and said that whilst the rockets are a huge inconvenience to her life, she has faith that the government will protect her. She said her heart goes out to the woman in Gaza, who has been abandoned by her people. The woman from Gaza was very emotional, seemed to have only an internal perspective and recounted an incident where her younger child asked an older sibling
“Why did god create the Israelis?”
To which the younger child responded “To kill us.”
The lady said she as at a loss as to what to tell her kids.

Well, I could tell her. It’s not so hard. She can tell them what I am telling my kids.

There are some mean [read EVIL] people in this world who like violence and want to make everyone miserable. They are called Hamas. We know they are mean and bad [read PURE EVIL] because they hide their weapons in schools, playgrounds and hospitals, and they don’t care about anyone except themselves. They have been firing rockets at Israel now for a few weeks, and luckily we have technology called the Iron Dome to protect us, but we have to stop them before they hurt more people. So we sent our army in to take away their rockets. We want to get rid of the terrors [this is how my son refers to terrorists. Please note he is only 5]. It’s very sad because people in our army are getting hurt trying to protect us, but we have no choice. The bad people don’t want to talk to us. [read: have rejected all negotiations]. They just want to hurt people. It is also sad because the people living in Gaza, where the rockets are, have no one to help them. So some of their people are getting hurt [read women and children living in buildings containing weaponry] because the bad people won’t protect them. They think that if their people get hurt, we will look bad. So they leave them there. This is called being a COWARD. We don’t like cowards. We are honest about our plans and we try not to hurt any people. Unless they are terrors. Then we don’t really care. We pray that our army will be safe and hope that the people in Gaza will get rescued from Hamas.

That wasn’t too difficult was it?

Apparently the death toll in Gaza is mostly women and children. What does that tell the world?? Where are all the men?
Cowards. (see above)

Unfortunately this is the reality that Israel is currently fighting.

Oh, if you are wondering having read my last post why I am not reading the news. I have no choice. With 20 soldiers killed in the last few days and around 20 members of this yeshuv called up for national services leaving women alone to manage, it’s all hands on deck. We are all helping each other. Husband probably would not have told me about the 7 deaths which occurred today, but when I took the rubbish out earlier, several friends drove past me and gave me that sort of sad smile that people give each other at shivas, so I knew. And here I am writing to you, out there, the general public. For goodness sake help us wipe out the evil.

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